健康与福利 - 学生服务 - McDonogh School-bet356



A nurse is on duty in the infirmary, located on the lower level of the Edward St. John Student Center, from 8:00 a.m. 到下午4点.m. on school days to take care of students' health needs as they arise during the day.


At McDonogh, we realize that at times student support needs to go beyond purely academic support. McDonogh has a counselor present in each division who is ready to support students socially, 在情感上, 和学术. Counselors offer a wide range of services from meeting with students 和 families, lending crisis support, providing referrals to community resources, advocating for students, conducting classroom presentations, facilitating small group activities, as well as working with faculty 和 administration on behalf of students. Questions regarding these services can be directed to the appropriate divisional counselor:

较低的学校, Dan Wagner, Ph.D., 

中学, Brenna LaRose, LCPC,

上学校, Caitlin Cork, LCSW-C,

上学校, Jasmine Cr和ol, LCPC, jcr和

Director of School 咨询 (PK-12), Michael Green, LCSW-C,


McDonogh's athletic trainers are committed to providing student-athletes with the highest quality health care. Knowing that each injury is different, our athletic trainers focus on the individual 和ir needs, developing a path back onto the field that seeks to prevent re-injury.

In addition to the athletic trainers on staff, 队医, 和 associate team physician, McDonogh also has a relationship with the University of Maryl和's Primary Care 运动医学 Fellowship program. A Fellow from the program comes once a week to meet with students 和 work with our Athletic Trainers.

COVID-19 和 Respiratory Viral Illnesses

The health 和 safety of the McDonogh community is our top priority. With guidance from McDonogh’s P和emic Planning Team 和 Medical Advisory Board, 和 based on guidelines from the CDC, the American Academy of Pediatrics, 和 Maryl和 Department of Health, the School maintains a series of COVID-19 protocols. 


与美国一致.S. government 和 other organizations that have updated their COVID-19 policies due to the evolving nature of the virus,  McDonogh strongly recommends but does not require vaccinations against COVID-19 for employees 和 students. As always, the school reserves the right to update this policy as conditions change. McDonogh continues to strongly recommend that students 和 adults stay up to date with boosters in order to acquire the best possible protection for themselves 和 our community.

Illness 和 Return to 校园

McDonogh follows the guidelines issued by the Maryl和 Department of HealthCenters for Disease Control 和 Prevention for respiratory viruses in schools 和 childcare programs. These guidelines are intended to help schools lower the risk of common respiratory viral illnesses including COVID-19, 流感, 和RSV. 学生 和 employees are encouraged to stay 当前的 with immunizations, 养成良好卫生习惯, take steps for cleaner air, 和 use precautions to prevent the spread of viral illnesses. Those who have recently been ill 必须 stay home for at least 24 hours after symptoms have gotten better overall fever has subsided without antipyretic medications, 和 when returning to normal activities, they are encouraged to take added precautions such as masking, 测试, 和 physical distancing. Please click on the links above for more detailed guidance from MDH 和 CDC.


McDonogh’s Medical Advisory Board is a group of volunteer physicians 和 specialists who advise the school on issues surrounding health 和 wellness. 董事会, which also includes representatives from McDonogh's 医院 和 体育训练 departments, 满足季度.

Dr. 妮可·盖博, Pediatrician, Pavilion Pediatrics

Dr. 凯尔·约斯特, McDonogh Team Physician, Assistant Professor of Family 和 社区 Medicine, 运动医学, University of Maryl和